Please read these instructions BEFORE contacting the Calendar Secretary for a Kingdom Calendar date.
To make additions to this calendar, send a Request for Kingdom Calendar Date form (with the Autocrat Warrant portion filled out) in an email with the form attached. For forms for kingdom and multiple group events, as well as Excel versions, please see the Reference Library.
Fill out the form completely, including a second and third choice of event date (month/day/year). Additions and changes are constantly made to the calendar. A weekend that appears open when the form is filled out may have another event on it when the form is received and processed by the calendar secretary. Events that are not forbidden explicitly by Kingdom Law may still be subject to review by the Kingdom Seneschal; see this policy for more information.
Only scans of original documents with signatures delivered via email will be honored. Do not mail or fax documents. Telephone requests will not be honored. Your request will only be put on the calendar after your documents are received by the Calendar Deputy. Please send documents to the email listed for the Calendar Deputy.
To make changes or deletions to this calendar; or to make additions, changes or deletions to the weblinks on this calendar, contact:
Mistress Genevieve de Courtanvaux (mka - Carol Ross)
Note: Typographical errors happen to everyone. Also, the calendar secretary may make a mistake from time to time. If you notice either, please notify the Calendar Secretary immediately.